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Simple Past
S + V2 + ..

: I walked to school yesterday
He lived in Paris for ten years, but now he is living in Rome.
10 , I bought a new car three days ago.
. I called Nada at nine last night, but she wasnt at home.
ɡ . I almost had a car accident last night.
. Ten years ago, the government decided to begin a food program.
10 , Ali went to a party at Sallys apartment last Saturday night.

Bill arrived here three days ago.
3 Last January, I saw snow for the first time in my life.
, . You missed two classes last week.
. , when . I stood under a tree when it began to rain.
. When she heard a strange noise, she got up to investigate.

When I dropped my cup, the coffee spilled on my lap.

I got a package in the mail. When I opened it, I found a surprise.

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: yesterday ago last week last month last year

Past Progressive
S + (was / were) + V1 ing + ..
(was) (were) (ing)

: At eight oclock last night, I was studying.
,, Last year, at this time, I was attending school.
, . I was sitting in class at this exact same time yesterday.

At nine oclock last night, Nada was studying at the library.

The boys werent at home. They were playing soccer in the vacant lot down the street.
ʡ . A- Why werent you at the meeting?
B- I was waiting an overseas call from my family.
A- Im sure you met Dana at the party last night.
B- I dont remember her. What was she wearing?
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I was walking down the street when it began to rain.

I didnt hear the thunder during the storm last night because I was sleeping.
. When we went to the park yesterday, the sun was shining. A cool breeze was blowing. The birds were singing.

My brother and sister were arguing about something when I walked into the room.
Medhat was climbing the stairs when he tripped and fell. Luckily, he didnt hurt himself.
. . While Mrs. Hamad was reading the little boy a story, he fell asleep, so she closed the book and tiptoed out of the room.
, . While Issam was shoveling snow, his wife brought him a cup of hot chocolate.
, A- Whats wrong with your foot?
B- I stepped on a bee while I was running barefooted through the grass. It stung me.
ȡ .
A- How did you break your arm?
I slipped on the ice while I was crossing the street in front of the dorm.

I almost had a car accident last night. I was driving down Al-Mezzeh Avenue when suddenly I saw a car in my lane. It was coming right at my car. I stepped on the brakes and swerved to the right. The other car just missed my car by about an inch.
. . . . Ten years ago, the government decided to begin a food program. At that time, many people in the rural areas of the country were starving due to several years of drought.
ʡ . ʡ . It was my first day of class. I finally found the right room. The room was already full of students. On one side of the room, students were busily talking to each other in Spanish. Other students were speaking Japanese, and some were conversing in Arabic. It sounded like the United Nations. Some of the students, however, were just sitting quietly by themselves. I chose an empty seat in the last row and sat down. In a few minutes, the teacher walked into the room and all the multilingual conversation stopped.
. . . . ɡ . . . . ޡ . A- Did you hear what she just said?
B- No, I wasnt listening. I was thinking about something else.
- ǡ . .
: While I was studying in one room of our apartment, my roommate was having a party in the other room.
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I really enjoyed my vacation last January. While it was snowing in Sweida, the sun was shining in Latakia. While you were shoveling snow in Damascus, I was lying on the beach in Latakia.
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