ÇáÓáÇã Úáíßã æ ÑÍãÉ Çááå ÊÚÇáì æ ÈÑßÇÊå

Çáíßã ÝíãÇ íáí : ßáãÇÊ æÏÇÚ ãÊÑÌãÉ ÈÇááÛÉ ÇáÇäÌáíÒíÉ

ÓæÝ ÇÔÊÇÞ Çáíß ßËíÑÇ, ÇåÊã ÈäÝÓß.

.I’ll miss you so much, take care of yourself

ÝÑÇÞß ÓæÝ íÌÚáäí ÇÔÚÑ ÈÝÑÇÛ ßÈíÑ, ÇÊãäì Çä Êßæä ÈÎíÑ.

.Your separation will make me feel a great pain, I hope you are fine

ÇÊãäì Çä ÇÑÇß ÞÑíÈÇ, ÇåÊã ÈäÝÓß.

.I hope to see you soon, take care of yourself

ÇåÊã ÈØÚÇãß æ ÈÕÍÊß, ÇÊãäì Çä ÇÑÇß ÈÎíÑ ÞÑíÈÇ.

.Take care of your food and your health, I hope to see you soon

áÇ ÊãßË åäÇß ØæíáÇ, ÇÊãäì Çä ÊÚæÏ ÇáíäÇ ÞÑíÈÇ. ãÚ ÇáÓáÇãÉ.

.Do not stay there long, I hope you will return to us soon. good bye

ÇÊãäì Çä ÊÞÖì æÞÊÇ ÓÚíÏÇ åäÇß, ÇåÊã ÈäÝÓß ÌíÏÇ.

.I hope you spend a happy time there, take good care of yourself

ÝÑÇÞß Óíßæä ÔÆ ãÄáã æáßä Çáãåã Çä Êßæä ÈÎíÑ, ÇÚÊäí ÈäÝÓß.

.Your separation will be painful, but it’s important to be okay, take care of yourself

ÇÊãäì áß ßá ÇáÊæÝíÞ æÇáäÌÇÍ åäÇß, ÇÑÌÚ ÞÑíÈÇ.

.I wish you every success there, come back soon

ÇáßáãÇÊ áÇ ÊÓÊØíÚ Çä ÊÕÝ Ãáãí áÝÑÇÞß, æáßä ÇáÇåã åæ Çä Êßæä ÈÎíÑ, ÇÊãäì áß ÇáÊæÝíÞ.

,Words can not describe my pain for your separation, but the most important thing is to be fine,

.I wish you success

ÇáãäÒá ÈÏæäß áä íßæä áå ØÚã ÍÊí ÊÚæÏ ÇáíäÇ ãÑÉ ÇÎÑí, ÇÚÊäí ÈäÝÓß.

.The house without you will have no taste until you come back to us again, take care of yourself

ÇÊãäì Çä ÊÕá ÈÇáÓáÇãÉ Çáì åäÇß, æÇÚÏß Çäí ÓæÝ ÂÊí ÞÑíÈÇ, ÇÚÊäí ÈäÝÓß.

.I hope you will arrive safely there, and promise you I will come soon, take care of yourself

ÇááíÇáì ÓæÝ Êßæä ØæíáÉ ÌÏÇ ßÇáÓäæÇÊ Ýí ÛíÇÈß, ÇÊãäí Çä ÊÚæÏ ÞÑíÈÇ, ÇÚÊäí ÈäÝÓß ãä ÇÌáí ãä ÝÖáß.

,Nights will be as long as the years in your absence, I hope you will return soon

.take care of yourself for me please

ÇÊãäì Çä ÊãÑ ÇáÇíÇã ÓÑíÚÇ ÍÊì ÇÑÇß ÞÑíÈÇ, ÇåÊã ÈäÝÓß.

I hope the days pass quickly to see you again, take care of your self please.


Separation is difficult and I will miss you so much, I hope you get back to me quickly,

take care of yourself.

.ÓæÝ ÊãÑ Úáí ÇíÇã ÓÝÑß ßÇáÓäæÇÊ, ÇÊãäì Çä ÊÚæÏ ÞÑíÈÇ

The days of your travel will pass like years, I hope you will return soon.

ÇÚÊäì ÈäÝÓß ãä ÇÌáí ÇÑÌæß, ÇÊãäì Çä ÇÑÇß ÞÑíÈÇ, ÊÕá ÈÇáÓáÇãÉ.

Take care of yourself for me please, I hope to see you soon, arrive safely.

.ßäÊ ÇÊãäì Çä ÇÓÇÝÑ ãÚß æáßä ÇÚÏß ÈÇä ÂÊí ÞÑíÈÇ, ÇÚÊäí ÈäÝÓß , ãÚ ÇáÓáÇãÉ

I wanted to travel with you but promise you to come soon, take care of yourself, good bye.